The Template Description
An explanation and examples of the front-matter templates for posts
Required attributes
title: "The Template Description"
Nice to have
description: "A short description of what the post contains"
thumbnail_url: "/images/thumbs/template-guy.jpg"
url: /images/posts/template-wide-guy-2.jpg
banner: true
caption: "If you want a banner image fill out this lede_image:url field. This is used to represent a post on the homepage (i.e. the art associated with any given item)"
Publication info
If this has been published elsewhere and you want to refer/link to it:
date: 2002-01-27
site: Example-Dot-Com
logo_url: /images/logos/logoz-sample.png
Things related to the homepage
You have several options for controlling how your post looks like on the homepage. All of these are optional:
homepage_title: "Alternate title just for the homepage"
homepage_description: "Alternate description just for the homepage"
homepage_position: 5
homepage_size: 1
homepage_theme: invert